GarLind Ridge Collies in Wisconsin
Amazing collies-Collie love

Garlind Ridge collies with special talents and intuitions


Note from Michael:

Brendan was outside went I went by tonight and I stopped and talked.
I was pretty much taken back and very humbled to think that just the few times we’ve stopped and the couple minutes spent with Brendan that Sammy Breeze means so much to these people who have seen so much adversity in their lives. Truly amazing these collies.
Ann and I are truly blessed to have Sammy and many more kudos for the start you and your family gave Sammy Breeze.
I know your busy getting ready to have your puppies go to their new homes and we wish the new owners as much joy with their pups as Sammy Breeze bring to us and everyone he meets.
Talk to you later, have a great weekend
He’s a hit with all the kids too

Collies are the best!! Hugs from Sammy Breeze!!

Hi Mike-Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures!!! Sammy is so photogenic and his loving personality shows in every shot as well! You and Sammy are a blessing to Brendan and our family and we ask God to Bless you and yours, The Boese 's (This is from Brendan's family)

From Karen:


This was from Rhonda...

What a way to warm my heart this morning!!  These are awesome photos, I am sure Michael's heart is bursting with pride and the picture of Brendon. kissing Sammy Breeze says it ALL!  Sometimes I wonder why a collie doesn't have a wider chest to hold all the heart they have inside!!  :)  Next time he is out with his handsome Sammy Breeze, Michael needs to puff his chest out with pride as he walks, he has every reason to be proud!!

Romeo, son of Cali Sue and Buck Key Boy

Hi Linda,

Well here are the pictures I promised. Isn't he adorable?! He's so big, handsome and intelligent. What I like most about him is that he is almost human. He tries to communicate with us like Lassie. It's awesome! For example, a couple of days ago we were out back and Romeo began barking a lot. We weren't paying much attention to his barking so he came over to us and barked at us. He then went back to where he was and continued barking. He must have done this several times till he got fed up. He decided to take matters into his own hands and went over to my husband and grabbed his hand with his mouth (he doesn't bite the hand, he literally grabs your hand as if he were holding it and leads you to where he wants you to go- amazing!) and led him to where he was originally barking. Turns out that there was a baby Blue Jay there. The bird was defenseless and needed help. Once Romeo saw that my husband picked up the bird, he stopped bar! king. We took the bird inside and cared for it under the watchful eye of Romeo. It's as though he understood what was going on. He probably doesn't understand that he is that birds hero. He refused to abandon the bird and made sure we tended to it. That's our boy!!

Collie hugs from Romeo!

- Margarita


I just needed to send you this story about the ability of the collie and their love for others.  This weekend we decided that the pool could be covered and the that Moses realized it was not ice anymore and would go out on it to lay.  So at the end of the long week end I put the solar cover on the pool and called it a day.  I was standing with Moses by the pool and said, “Don’t go in there – stay away from this.” 
Mind you the pool is 4.5ft deep and we do not have the steps in yet because it’s not quiet warm enough. 
As my husband and I were watching a movie in peace because the 2 boys both fell asleep, he let the dogs outside for one last run.  A few minutes later Moses is at the door barking like a maniac and scratching.  Rarely does he ever want to come inside.  So Steve opens the door to let him in and Moses walks backwards barking at my him.  Moses keeps turning his head in the direction of the pool.  He runs up to Steve nips at him and runs in the direction of the pool on the upper deck.  Steve gets up and yells for help.  Zeus the 125lbs black lab fell in the pool.  Steve had to jump in the pool to get him out, but Moses saved his life.  But it didn’t stop there – after we all came back in Steve took a shower to warm up and I rubbed on Zeus but then Moses came and laid on him licking him until he was dry. 
That’s a good dog.  And everyone thought Moses was going to go swimming all the time.  I just had to share this with you.



updated photo from 12-30-08 What wonderful friends they are!

Sweetpea is a special needs collie. She is the companion of a sweet little autistic girl. Sweetpea has already saved Shelby's life by alerting her parents that she was having a grand mall seizure. Sweetpea and Shelby are best of friends.



At only 8 weeks of age, Gracie is working her collie magic.. With the help of Amy, Gracie is bringing joy, smiles, and love to the elderly.
We thank Amy for caring for the elderly as she does and including Gracie in her caring. Amy is giving Gracie the opportunity to share her love and give her collie kisses to the elderly who enjoy it so much..

Winnie with her little buddy, Gordo

Winnie is an amazing collie, she has such a keen sense of her surroundings and possible danger.
*When not yet 6 months old, Winnie alerted her family of a flooding basement.* At 9 months old, Winnie knew there was something terribly wrong outside. Winnie seldom barks but went to the edge of the lawn barking continually not passing a specific spot in the lawn. Winnie's little buddy, a
7 lb chihuahua buddy was much more curious,  crossing this spot.  A large branch broke from the tree above, falling down on the chihuahua. Winnie grabbed her little buddy by his ears and pulled him to safety as the branch fell across her back. The Vet who treated Winnie for her injuries stated that this branch would have taken the life her little chihuahua buddy.  After many weeks of rest and massage, Winnie is once again looking after her family, human and furry.
As her family calls her "Winnie the Wonder" *At 11 months old Winnie cried and scratched at a door where her little buddy, Applesauce,  the parakeet was kept. Sharon went to see what was the matter and found that Applesauce had just passed away. Winnie licked her friend Applesuace to say goodbye.
The perception of this young collie is trully amazing.


Amy and Rufus are now Delta Pet Partners. Delta Society registers people and their pets as Pet Partners therapy animal teams to visit hospitals, schools, nursing homes and other facilities

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